If you want gorgeous, voluminous hair, then it’s time to learn more about the concept of hair elasticity, which determines the overall quality of your hair. Elasticity affects many characteristics such as hair growth, hair loss, texture, gloss, bounce, and strength of your hair.

Even though elasticity is an essential component of hair health, we rarely hear about it. So, if you want to take better care of your hair, here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know, along with practical tips and more.
What Is Hair Elasticity?
In simple terms, hair elasticity is how far your hair strands can extend if stretched before returning to the previous state. Based on the results, one can determine their elasticity and learn how to treat hair better.
Test Your Hair Elasticity
Here’s how to determine your hair elasticity with a simple test at home.
- Take a strand of your hair and spray it with water.
- Tug on it slowly and stretch to see what happens.
- Take note of whether it stretches, breaks, or returns to its normal position.
Elasticity Types
Based on the above test, your hair can fall under three hair types:
High Elasticity: People with high elasticity have silky and bouncy hair. Their hair type is the strongest as it can be stretched quite long before breaking.
Medium Elasticity: This is the most common one in the lot. If one has medium elasticity, their hair can stretch partially before it breaks.
Low Elasticity: This hair type can be recognised from afar as low elasticity hair looks dry and brittle. Their hair breaks and snaps quite easily and needs immediate attention.

Tips To Improve Hair Elasticity
If you fall under the third category and have low hair elasticity, here are some hair tips for you to get strong, long, and shiny hair:
- Condition Your Hair: Low elasticity means your hair lacks strength and nourishment. Start using a high-quality hair conditioner to hydrate your hair right after shampooing. The Squalene Restorative Conditioner by iluvia is your best bet because it precisely tackles the problem of hair elasticity.
- Balanced Diet: Have you heard of the saying, “You are what you eat”? There’s a lot of truth to it! Eating a balanced diet with proper amounts of protein and omega-3 fatty acids will transform your hair in the long run, even if you may not notice its effects immediately.

- Limit Your Use of Styling Tools: Intense heat damages your hair, no matter what hair type you have. The heat from styling tools makes your hair dry and prone to damage. Limiting your usage of styling tools will automatically improve your hair quality. And you won’t even need them if your hair is actually healthy!
- Wide-toothed Comb for Brushing: Fine-tooth combs and brushes cause friction in hair and can make the strands brittle. Consider using a wide-tooth comb that is much smoother and easy-going for your hair. Plus, it disperses any oil that you apply to your scalp.

- Oil Your Hair: Speaking of oil, many people seldom oil their hair. This is a big mistake and will decrease the quality of your hair texture over time. iluvia’s 100% Pure Argan Oil is anti-breakage and will repair your hair elasticity with regular usage.

The Volume Restoration System
You can incorporate all the above tips for your hair health, but their benefits will be nullified if your hair products aren’t up to the mark. Moreover, your hair texture also depends on the water supply, i.e., if you wash your hair with soft or hard water. Hard water gravely affects the quality of your hair, and you’ll be surprised to know that 70% of India receives hard water.
The metal deposits in hard water accumulate on your scalp and strands, ruining your hair elasticity. iluvia’s Hard Water Shampoo is the effective and easy way out of this problem. It reverses and prevents hair damage effectively while reducing hair fall, breakage, and issues with low elasticity.

Hard water is an external component, but internal and external factors come into play for overall hair health. A prime example is Squalene, a substance our body produces for moisture, but also one that starts depleting in your 20s and 30s. Luckily, you can restore this moisture using iluvia’s Squalene Restorative Conditioner. Use it to strengthen the strands, reduce breakage, and get shiny hair. The conditioner has a non-sticky and lightweight formula that doesn’t add the weight of silicones to your hair strands, thus improving hair elasticity.

The Hard Water Shampoo and Squalene Restorative Conditioner are the best hair products for healthy hair with high elasticity.
Say goodbye to weak strands and change your hair game with iluvia’s Volume Restoration System.