Is your hair thinning too soon?

Is your hair thinning too soon?

Thinning hair isn’t just a problem that comes with age. Many people in their 20s also experience the first signs of hair thinning, and this could start from various different places, like losing hair in the shower or with ponytails. Your first signs of hair loss or hair thinning may not be very noticeable initially, however, the telltale signs of hair thinning are usually a receding hairline, visibility of the scalp and a sudden increase in hair shedding.

Another indication? If you’re used to putting your hair in a ponytail, you’ll notice how much lighter and thinner it feels. This is usually very subtle and hard to point out, but when it takes more than the usual loops to keep your ponytail in place, you’ll know that your hair is thinning.

Here’s a question - have you ever styled your hair and seen your scalp peeking through? It’s probably another sign. Sometimes even the hair part grows bigger and wider and with this comes a broader forehead, and in some cases a receding hairline. These are clear indications that your hair is probably falling out more than usual.

What are the reasons for hair loss? They could be anything from using hair products with harsh ingredients, chemical hair treatments, usage of hard water or simply forgetting your heat protectant while using a heat styling tool.  

What’s the solution? With a few changes to your daily hair care routine, you can prevent further hair loss, if your hair loss is due to external reasons. With hard water being one of the biggest culprits behind hair loss in women and men, it is crucial that you switch to a shampoo that tackles this issue. The Hard Water Shampoo by iluvia removes metal ion deposits left behind by hard water while maintaining the natural pH balance of the scalp, thus preventing hair damage and hair loss. When used with the Squalene Restorative Conditioner, this duo removes damaging salt deposits from hair and leaves it feeling soft and looking as-shiny-as-ever. Even better, both these products are compatible with coloured hair as well! You can read more about hard water and its effects here.

There is no ‘one’ absolute solution that can help hair thinning. However, there is one ingredient that can make all the difference: argan. Argan oil is a beauty aid so versatile, and one of its many benefits is giving your hair the boost it needs. Give the 100% Pure Argan Oil by iluvia a try, as this beauty aid is rich with antioxidants and perfect to use as a leave-in conditioner or simply for a hair and scalp massage. 

Now that you know a little about hair thinning and its signs, all you have to do is tweak your hair care routine to treat any problems regarding this. With the right hair care products and some extra effort, it is possible to restore your hair to its fuller & healthier self.